Basil (Lime) [Pine Hills, Florida]


Basil – the culinary herb that adds a burst of flavor and freshness to your dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook, our Lime Basil seedlings are the perfect addition to your kitchen garden, providing you with an abundant supply of fragrant leaves to elevate your recipes.

Pine Hills, Florida Nursery Location

13 in stock

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Basil – the culinary herb that adds a burst of flavor and freshness to your dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook, our Lime Basil seedlings are the perfect addition to your kitchen garden, providing you with an abundant supply of fragrant leaves to elevate your recipes.

Light Requirement
Part Shade
The amount of sunlight this plant needs daily in order to perform well in the garden. Full sun means 6 hours of direct sunlight; partial sun means 2-4 hours of direct sun per day; shade means little or no direct sun.
Days To Maturity
The average numbers of days from when the plant is actively growing in the garden to the expected time to harvest.
Mature Spread
24 inches
The width of the plant at maturity.
Mature Height
12 – 24 inches
The typical height of the plant at maturity.