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How to Propagate Basil

Ever wonder “How to Propagate Basil from Cuttings?” Well Basil propagation from cuttings is quite simple. In fact, propagating basil is one way to expand your herb garden or share your basil plants with friends. All you need to do is take a 4-inch (10 cm.) basil cutting just below a leaf node. Remove the leaves off the basil cutting about 2 inches (5 cm.) from the end. Make sure the basil cutting is a piece that hasn’t flowered yet.

Your basil cutting can then be placed in a glass of water on the windowsill where it can get good sunlight. Use a clear glass so you can watch your basil propagation grow roots. Change the water every few days until you see root growth, then leave your basil propagation roots to grow about 2 inches (5 cm.) or so. This can take two to three weeks.

Once the roots on your basil cutting are 1 – 2 inches or longer, you can plant the cutting in a pot indoors or in your garden outside. Place the planter where the plant will get direct sunlight. Repeat this process for an endless supply of basil plants for your home garden or to share with friends!

#tbknursery tip #39 – Cutting the tops off certain plants makes them more bushy.

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