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How To Eat Microgreens

If you are new to microgreens and wondering how to eat them, keep reading for tips and ideas.

As a Garnish

Microgreens can also be used as a garnish for many dishes, including soups, stews, and cocktails. Wash and dry the microgreens and place them on your dish as a final touch.

Blend them into smoothies.

Consider adding microgreens to take your smoothies to the next level. Not only do they add vibrant color and fresh flavor, but they also boost the nutritional value of your smoothie. Microgreens like spinach, kale, and wheatgrass are delicious in smoothies as they are high in vitamins and minerals.

Add them to salads

One of the easiest ways to incorporate microgreens into your diet is by adding them to salads. They add a fresh flavor and texture to any salad, and you can mix and match different varieties to create a colorful and nutrient-dense dish. Microgreens like arugula, kale, and radish are particularly good in salads, as they add a peppery kick and complement other ingredients well.

Top your sandwiches and wraps.

Another way to use microgreens is adding them to your sandwiches and wraps. They provide a refreshing, crispy layer that balances heavier ingredients like meat and cheese. Microgreens like alfalfa, broccoli, and sunflower are great options for sandwiches and wraps, as they are mild in flavor and pair well with various fillings.

Ready to enjoy a constant supply of nature’s nutritional treasures, expertly grown just for you? Our Microgreen Subscription Club takes the hassle out of cultivation while delivering a steady stream of fresh, greenhouse-grown microgreens to your doorstep. Join and savor the convenience of having these vibrant superfoods at your fingertips. Sign up now and let us do the growing for you, ensuring that you reap the benefits of health and flavor effortlessly. Don’t miss out on this green revolution – subscribe today!

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5 Benefits of Broccoli Microgreens

We’re all familiar with the health benefits of broccoli, yet many of us don’t include it frequently in our diets. The reasons vary from disliking its taste to finding it challenging to prepare. However, have you ever heard of a more nutrient-packed version of broccoli? Let me introduce you to broccoli microgreens.

Despite their small size, the health advantages of broccoli microgreens are astonishing. Pound for pound, they can contain up to 40 times more nutrients than mature broccoli. It’s a remarkable nutritional powerhouse that often goes unnoticed.

Rich in Antioxidants: Antioxidants help protect your body against free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Supports Bone Health: Vitamin K is essential for bone health as it helps activate proteins that regulate calcium levels, while calcium and magnesium are crucial for maintaining strong bones.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Regular consumption of parsley may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with conditions such as arthritis and certain chronic diseases.

Boosts Immune System: These nutrients play a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system, protecting against infections, and promoting overall well-being.

Supports Digestive Health: Adequate fiber intake promotes healthy digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a balanced gut microbiome.

Incorporating fresh parsley into your diet can provide you with a range of nutritional benefits. What better way to ensure the freshness and quality of this herb than by growing it in your own home garden? Cultivating parsley is relatively easy, making it a perfect addition to your gardening endeavors. By growing parsley at home, you can have a readily available supply of this versatile herb, allowing you to incorporate it into your meals whenever you desire. Not only will you enjoy the convenience, but you’ll also reap the nutritional rewards of having a steady source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals at your fingertips. So why not start your parsley garden today and experience the joy of growing your own nutritious herbs while enhancing the flavor and health benefits of your dishes?

Nutritional Facts:

Parsley is a great source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C.

Parsley contains a significant amount of vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium.

Parsley contains compounds like apigenin and luteolin that possess anti-inflammatory properties.

Parsley is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate.

Parsley is rich in dietary fiber.

#tbknursery tip #4 – Parsley belongs to the same family as cumin, carrots, and celery.

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5 Benefits of Home Grown Parsley

Parsley is not only a popular herb used to garnish dishes, but it also offers various health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile. Embrace the freshness, flavor, and nutritional goodness that only home-grown herbs can offer. Crisp, aromatic, and bursting with flavor, our parsley plants are meticulously cultivated to bring the essence of nature into your kitchen.

Rich in Antioxidants: Antioxidants help protect your body against free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Supports Bone Health: Vitamin K is essential for bone health as it helps activate proteins that regulate calcium levels, while calcium and magnesium are crucial for maintaining strong bones.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Regular consumption of parsley may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with conditions such as arthritis and certain chronic diseases.

Boosts Immune System: These nutrients play a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system, protecting against infections, and promoting overall well-being.

Supports Digestive Health: Adequate fiber intake promotes healthy digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a balanced gut microbiome.

Incorporating fresh parsley into your diet can provide you with a range of nutritional benefits. What better way to ensure the freshness and quality of this herb than by growing it in your own home garden? Cultivating parsley is relatively easy, making it a perfect addition to your gardening endeavors. By growing parsley at home, you can have a readily available supply of this versatile herb, allowing you to incorporate it into your meals whenever you desire. Not only will you enjoy the convenience, but you’ll also reap the nutritional rewards of having a steady source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals at your fingertips. So why not start your parsley garden today and experience the joy of growing your own nutritious herbs while enhancing the flavor and health benefits of your dishes?

Nutritional Facts:

Parsley is a great source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C.

Parsley contains a significant amount of vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium.

Parsley contains compounds like apigenin and luteolin that possess anti-inflammatory properties.

Parsley is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate.

Parsley is rich in dietary fiber.

#tbknursery tip #4 – Parsley belongs to the same family as cumin, carrots, and celery.

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Should I cut the tops off my pepper plants?

There are several advantages to cutting the tops off your pepper plants:

Enhanced branching and bushier growth: By cutting off the top of a pepper plant, you encourage lateral branching and stimulate the growth of new shoots. This leads to a bushier plant with more potential for flower and fruit production. The increased branching also helps create a stronger plant structure, reducing the risk of the plant bending or breaking under the weight of its fruit.

Increased air circulation and sunlight penetration: Pruning the top of a pepper plant allows better air circulation and sunlight penetration throughout the plant. This helps reduce the risk of diseases caused by excessive humidity or lack of airflow, such as fungal infections. Improved sunlight exposure promotes better photosynthesis, resulting in healthier and more productive plants.

Concentrated energy and resources: By removing the top of a pepper plant, you redirect the plant’s energy and resources towards the existing fruit and lower branches. This allows the plant to focus its energy on developing and ripening the existing fruits, rather than wasting resources on producing new foliage. As a result, you may experience larger and higher-quality peppers.

Extended harvest season: Pruning the top of pepper plants can help extend the harvest season. When you remove the top, it stimulates the growth of new shoots and encourages the plant to produce more flowers and fruits. This continuous production of new fruit can prolong the harvest period, allowing you to enjoy fresh peppers for a longer time.

It’s important to note that while pruning can be beneficial, it should be done with care and according to the specific needs of the pepper plant variety you are growing. Not all pepper plants require or respond positively to heavy pruning, so it’s advisable to research the specific recommendations for your particular variety before making any major cuts. If you have any questions regarding pruning your pepper.

#tbknursery tip #15 – Basil and Marigolds are excellent companion plants for Tomatoes

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5 Benefits of adding Basil to your garden

Basil is a popular herb used in many cuisines around the world. It’s a great source of vitamins and minerals, and it offers several benefits for your health.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Basil contains eugenol, a natural anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can be beneficial for conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Antioxidant benefits: Basil is rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. This can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Improved digestion: Basil contains compounds that can help improve digestion by reducing gas, bloating, and constipation. It can also help stimulate appetite and promote healthy bowel movements.

Reduced stress: Basil contains adaptogenic compounds that can help your body adapt to stress and reduce the impact of stress on your health.

Lowered risk of infections: Basil contains antimicrobial compounds that can help prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This can help support your immune system and reduce your risk of illness.

It’s important to note that the nutritional facts listed here are based on one cup of chopped basil. However, it’s unlikely that you would consume this much basil in one sitting. Adding a few leaves of basil to your meals can still provide some of these benefits, but in smaller amounts ;).

Cinnamon Basil | Lemon Basil | Genovese Basil

One cup of chopped basil:

(about 30 grams) contains approximately 2.4 mg of eugenol.

contains approximately 27.5 mg of vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help protect your cells.

contains approximately 88.3 mg of magnesium, which is important for healthy digestion.

contains approximately 0.2 mg of iron, which is important for healthy stress response.

contains approximately 0.2 mg of zinc, which is important for healthy immune function.

#tbknursery tip #10 – Basil is native to tropical Asia and belongs to the mint family.

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5 Benefits of Eating Home-Grown Tomatoes

Here are five advantages of incorporating homegrown tomatoes into your diet:

Rich in antioxidants: Homegrown tomatoes are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, which can help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Lycopene is also known to reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate, lung, and stomach cancer.

Good for the heart: Homegrown tomatoes contain high levels of potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Boosts immune system: Homegrown tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and protect the body against infections.

Helps maintain healthy skin: Homegrown tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A helps prevent skin damage caused by UV radiation and can also help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Good for digestion: Homegrown tomatoes are rich in fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion and prevent constipation.

One medium-sized tomato contains about:

32 milligrams of lycopene

292 milligrams of potassium

16 milligrams of vitamin C

1025 IU of vitamin A

1.5 grams of fiber

List of Available Tomatoes at TBK Nursery at our Palm Coast & Pine Hills, Florida locations:

#tbknursery tip #11 – Cutting tops off pepper plants is a way to get a stronger plant and higher yields (more info)

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Get a “Clutch of Tomatoes” from TBK Nursery

“Clutch” a collective noun for a group of Tomatoes.

Our “Full Clutch” are 4 Tomato Plants ranging in sizes from 2′ to 4′, supported by a 4′ bamboo stake and in a 3-Gallon Fabric Pot (with handles).

(4) 2′ to 4′ Big Pink Tomato Plants = $10 each $8 each ($8 OFF)

(4) 3-Gallon Fabric Pot = $8 each $5 each ($12 OFF)

Save $20 OFF Retail!

Priced at $52 if you want our 3-Gallon Fabric pots and $32 if you have your own pots to transplant. Delivery is only $3.99 per order and FREE Delivery to “W” section residents.

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How to Propagate Basil

Ever wonder “How to Propagate Basil from Cuttings?” Well Basil propagation from cuttings is quite simple. In fact, propagating basil is one way to expand your herb garden or share your basil plants with friends. All you need to do is take a 4-inch (10 cm.) basil cutting just below a leaf node. Remove the leaves off the basil cutting about 2 inches (5 cm.) from the end. Make sure the basil cutting is a piece that hasn’t flowered yet.

Your basil cutting can then be placed in a glass of water on the windowsill where it can get good sunlight. Use a clear glass so you can watch your basil propagation grow roots. Change the water every few days until you see root growth, then leave your basil propagation roots to grow about 2 inches (5 cm.) or so. This can take two to three weeks.

Once the roots on your basil cutting are 1 – 2 inches or longer, you can plant the cutting in a pot indoors or in your garden outside. Place the planter where the plant will get direct sunlight. Repeat this process for an endless supply of basil plants for your home garden or to share with friends!

#tbknursery tip #39 – Cutting the tops off certain plants makes them more bushy.

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The Biggs Kids Nursery will be at the 10th Annual Spring Festival & Plant Sale – Sat. April 8th 2023 – 9am to 4pm

Saturday, April 8, 2023 at Flagler Palm Coast High School – Our annual Spring Festival & Plant Sale is a fun event for the entire community. This one-day event will feature a huge plant sale, arts & craft vendors, specialty plant growers, educational exhibits, exciting children’s activities, fantastic food, live music, raffles all day, and so much more.

The Biggs Kids Nursery is on the list of Sponsors for this event 🙂

Since 2009, The Garden Club at Palm Coast has awarded over $47,000.00 for scholarships to community recipients.

Come Stop By To Get Plants Grown With Love & Care For Your Home Garden

Sat. April 8th 2023 from 9AM to 4PM

Tomatoes | Vegetables | Herbs | Fruits | Flowers | Succulents

Variety of Plants Available: 4 Tomatoes, 4 Peppers, 3 Herbs, 5 Flowers, 2 Cucumbers, 2 Cantaloupes

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Our 1st Local Pickup Today in Palm Coast

List of Available Plants:

Aloe Vera, Tomatoes (Roma VF, Honeycomb Hybrid, Big Pink Hybrid), Big Thai Peppers, Sunflowers (Mammoth), Sweet Pea Flowers, Sugar Snap Peas, Basil, Sunflowers (Evening Sun), Marigold (Mixed Colors), Ackee

3PM – 6PM – Monday, February 27, 2023

Location for our current Local Pickup is North of Palm Coast Pkwy and South of Matanzas Woods Pkwy on US-1.

On the right if traveling North and on the left if traveling South.

See the map below. Click here for Directions (Google Maps).